English 1301 - Composition & Grammar
Assignment #8: Optional Rewrite

Reading Assignment
  • Review your graded essays and what you have read in The Longman Writer and The Little, Brown Handbook, Brief Version.

  • Writing Assignment (Optional)
    Select one of your graded essays.  Expand the scope and depth of that essay while correcting your mistakes. 
    This assignment is entirely optional.  If you choose not to submit this assignment it will not impact your grade.  If you do submit this assignment, however, it will be evaluated, and the subsequent grade, whether it is higher or lower, will replace the grade of the original submission.

    Don't forget that there is a purpose behind your writing.  Be sure that you provide adequate examples from the text to support your thesis statement.  However, if the subsequent examples from the story do not clearly illustrate your thesis statement, you have wasted your time.  Similarly, if you fail to discuss your examples, they may be too vague for your audience to understand.  Make sure that you explain your assertion and the significance of each of your examples.

    This essay should be a minimum of 900 words in length.  It must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, fully developed body paragraphs with transitions, and a concluding paragraph that neatly wraps up your essay.  Write your rough draft and proofread carefully!  Look for more than just mechanical and grammar errors.  As you read, ask yourself; "have I said what I intended to say?".  When you feel that you have, type your final draft.

    See pages 526 - 530 in The Little, Brown Handbook, Brief Version for information on proper MLA formatting and the heading for your essay.