English 1301 - Composition & Grammar
Assignment #4: Process Analysis

Reading Assignment
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 14, "Process Analysis", pp. 307 - 345
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 2, "Getting Started Through Prewriting", pp. 12 - 35

  • Writing Assignment
    Part 1: After carefully reading the chapter, write an essay in which you briefly explain the various steps involved in the prewriting process and their importance in academic writing.  Your paper should include information concerning audience, purpose, critical thinking, organization, argument, details, and focus.  See the examples in The Longman Writer and the notes below for more information pertaining to this assignment.
    Please take full advantage of the notes and examples provided with your first graded assignment to increase the effectiveness of your writing and your grade on this and subsequent assignments.

    Part 2: Please respond to the following question(s) in your journal: What processes do you use each day?  How often do you stop and consider, or even change the steps of those processes?

    Although this assignment may appear complicated at first glance, it is really only a simple "How To" essay.  When writing to direct and/or inform, remember that you must include details which support your thesis statement and the subsequent steps to achieve the desired result: successful use of these processes.  Write as if you were teaching a class on prewriting and writing.  Do not simply report the steps involved in the process.  Try to explain the process (what it is, why your audience should use your process, and how to do it), and why you believe it works.  Use examples from the chapters to illustrate the process and your assertion.  As you detail the steps of the process, explain your reasoning to your audience.  This will allow them to take your information in context, and allow you to draft a hybrid (directive and informative) essay.

    This essay should be a minimum of 700 words in length.  I will be checking your essay to see that you have included an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, fully developed body paragraphs with transitions, and a concluding paragraph that neatly wraps up your essay.  Write your rough draft and proofread carefully!  Look for more than just mechanical and grammar errors.  As you read, ask yourself; "could my audience understand and follow this process?".

    See pages 526 - 530 in The Little, Brown Handbook, Brief Version for information on proper MLA formatting and the heading for your essay.