English 1301 - Composition & Grammar
Assignment #1: The Writing Process

Reading Assignment
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 1, "Becoming a Strong Reader", pp. 1-11
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 2, "Getting Started Through Prewriting", pp. 12-35
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 3, "Identifying a Thesis", pp. 36-44
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 4, "Supporting the Thesis with Evidence", pp. 45-53
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 5, "Organizing the Evidence", pp. 54-63
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 6, "Writing the Paragraphs in the First Draft", pp. 64-94
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 7, "Revising Overall Meaning, Structure, and Paragraph Development", pp. 95-109
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 8, "Revising Sentences and Words", pp. 110-138
  • The Longman Writer, Ch. 9, "Editing and Proofreading", pp. 139-149

  • Writing Assignment
    Are you kidding!?!?  Don't you think that 150 pages of reading is enough work for one assignment?
    Actually, you will be using the skills discussed in these first nine chapters in all of your writing.  You should demonstrate mastery of these skills every time you read, prewrite, write, rewrite, revise, edit, and review.